Mother Nature Will Thank You For Switching to Plant-Based Milk

By Emily Gabriel

As more people are becoming environmentally conscious and informed about the conditions of the dairy industry, plant-based milks are becoming more popular. The dairy industry is unethical and bad for the environment as it takes thousands of liters of water to produce a small amount of beef. Compared to dairy milk, plant-based milks contain more fiber and have mono-unsaturated fat, which is a healthy fat. Plant-based milk contains less fat and protein since it contains a large amount of water. There are many reasons why people switch to plant-based milk such as a plant-based lifestyle, lactose intolerant, inflammation concerns, and allergies. Plant- based substitutes require less land to produce and tend to have a lower impact on the climate. 

According to Sentient Media, the dairy cows experience suffering and cruelty by getting forcefully impregnated from a very young age and then slaughtered when they can no longer produce milk. With urbanization, many people do not even know what is going on behind closed doors. Cow’s manure is piled in huge pits that smell horrible and are prone to bacteria that will contaminate the water in surrounding areas. These huge corporations produce so much milk that the price paid to farmers for milk has plummeted far below the cost of production and it is insane. Dairy milk is unethical and that is why people switch to plant-based. 

Plant-based milk is more expensive, but there are ways to make it at home in a blender. Also, plant-based milk has a longer shelf life. If people are looking to try plant-based milk, below are the most popular ones, but there will always be issues about how it is produced. 

Soy Milk

Soy milk is made from soybeans that are pressed and blended with other ingredients. According to the Life Cycle Associates, the greenhouse gas associated with the production of soy milk is much less than dairy milk. Soybeans also use less water compared to almonds and since it’s a legume, there is no need for nitrogen fertilizers. 

Almond Milk

Almond milk is made from almonds that are blended with water and filtered. Almond trees require on average 3.2 gallons of water and since they are mostly grown in California where there are drought conditions, it is something to keep in mind. There are definitely more sustainable choices, but almonds are not worse than other plant-based milks when it comes to greenhouse gases or land use. 

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is made from coconut flesh which is grated, soaked in water, then drained. This milk does not have much protein, but it contains manganese, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium which are good. Coconut trees use small amounts of water and absorb carbon dioxide. However, the increasing demand for coconut milk can put pressure on the environment and wildlife since coconut trees are grown in tropical areas. 

Oat Milk

Oat Milk is made from blending oats and milk together and then straining it. According to LCA, compared to dairy-milk, oat milk also uses 80 percent lower greenhouse gas emissions and 60 percent less energy. Also, oat milk uses less water and is more nutrient-dense compared to other plant-based milk. However, not many people buy it.

It is up to the individual whether or not they want to switch to plant-based milk. However, before doing so it is important to consider the factors of each. 

There are several factors one may consider when deciding what kind of milk to use. Luckily, though, there are plenty of options for any scenario.