Is There A Bridge Between Mental And Physical Health?

One may wonder if there is a link between our mental and physical health. Although these systems are viewed as separate by some, medical professionals claim our emotions and diseases are mapped to each other, whether we like it or not.

One of the main mental health issues that is widely talked about nowadays is depression. Although there are a bunch of reasons that could trigger a person and provoke depression, one of them is chronic diseases. Illnesses such as diabetes, asthma, cancer or arthritis can actually impair people’s brains and lead to mental health issues. Sadly, it goes both ways – it is estimated that people who are fighting depression may lose a battle to a chronic disease as well, since this mental health problem has a lot of negative symptoms, including meaninglessness and lack of energy.

Another significant problem that may occur for those who have impaired mental health is sleeping problems. Insomnia and sleep apnea are claimed to be heavily caused by that. However, it is not surprising, since depression anxiety, depression or OCD can lead to countless thoughts spinning in one’s head at night, when the brain and body are supposed to be asleep. If one suffers from insomnia, it can negatively impact their work, relationships and general health, so it’s essential to ask for doctor’s help if you notice the first signs of sleeping problems.


Lastly, such horrible disease as dementia can cause mental health issues. Apparently, it affects around 850,000 people in the UK and is most usually diagnosed in elderly, however, young people can easily get in hands of this illness as well. After getting the diagnosis, some may try to ignore this fact and be in decline, which can lead to severe anxiety and depression. Therefore, if you or your loved one is suffering from dementia, try to be patient and accept the problem so that you wouldn’t fall into an even bigger one.

Thus, it is undoubtful that both physical and mental health are related and that we must take care of ourselves in every way. In order to strengthen both areas, don’t forget exercising, nutritional diet, cutting down alcohol and nicotine usage, and mundane practices that lead you to happiness. But most importantly, don’t leave yourself to fight alone. There are a plethora of people around you who are willing to help to deal with issues you’re facing, being it friends, relatives or doctors and therapists. So, open your heart and let’s tackle this problem together!